Today I listened to two very interesting, mind challenging podcast episodes that I’d like to share with you. Both are interviews done by Bari Weiss for the Honestly Podcast at The Free Press.

Portrait of Paul Kingsnorth

Paul Kingsnorth

The Story of Someone Who Changed His Mind

It’s a conversation with former activist, still writer and enviromentalist, new born orthodox christian (yes, all that) Paul Kingsnorth. His views challenged lots of my beliefs, and the thing is that they make a lot of sense and made me think a lot and want to read more about and from him.

Portrait of Batya Ungar-Sargon

Batya Ungar-Sargon

How the Working Class Became America’s Second Class

This episode features Newsweek opinion editor Batya Ungar-Sargon, whom I didn’t know either. Very, very thought provoking views, strongly based on her own journalistic research across the US. I may not agree with many of the thoughts she states as facts, but she certainly makes many interesting points about how the left has gone elitist and how a populist (in my opinion) like Trump is connecting with the hard working people in America.