πŸ”— Tangible Life

Manifesto for the Intentional Web

We the humans of the Internet, promote and uphold the following ideals when it comes to the web content we want to create and consume.

  1. Written by humans.
    1. Written for humans.
    2. Engagement is not a measure, it is an action.
    3. Algorithms don’t direct our attention.
    4. We curate our consumption.
    5. Open discourse is not to be weaponized.
    6. Our feeds intend to feed the mind, not the machine.
    7. Attention is our currency; we spend wisely.
    8. Tools facilitate an action, not a solution.
    9. Intention is the seed for all we aim to grow.

If you resonate with this definition of the Intentional Web, it is yours to have and to represent. Propagate it and integrate it into your own little node of this web we hold so dear.