🔗 Thoughts on symbols – Manu

This, to me, means absolutely nothing. But also, I think trying to unify people behind a silly symbol is the wrong move. And it’s also a misguided effort. A new symbol doesn’t solve anything and doesn’t help your cause. Also, "A single symbol to represent that belonging can often be more relevant than individual icons for each service" belonging to what? I am no fediverse citizen but I do consider myself a good citizen of the web. I try my best to make it a better place and I try to encourage people to own their corners of the web. Am I excluded from your fancy club because I don’t “federate”? Are you saying I don’t belong? I’m asking this rhetorically, because frankly speaking, I couldn’t give less of a fuck about belonging to some arbitrary definition.

Manuel Is growing old and grouchy 😂. But so am I, and I kinda agree with him on this one.