Today has not been a good day regarding work. I stayed at home so it was supposed to be a productive day, yet it wasn’t. I have a big deadline tomorrow, and I behaved as I often do in this situations: I get blocked and procrastinate. I procrastinated the heck out of my email, so at least that’s quite clean, Inbox Zero goal achieved. But tomorrow it’s going to be a very early start if I want to meet my deadline and craft a report worth its name.

On the positive side, I discovered Jatan Mehta’s journal blog. This particular post on Embracing a simple but effective digital life or Digital detoxing is very thorough and interesting and it is in the line of Manuel Moreale’s post On POSSE, which I briefly commented here.

My RSS feeds in NetNewsWire are starting to look very good.

What I’m thinking now is that I might quit social media altogether and embrace just blogging to express myself, RSS to read nice people’s blog and email to communicate with them. I’ll see.

Oh, and I also recovered my DSLR camera. I need to move my fat ass and taking walks with the excuse of taking pictures might be the way.