Today I thought that I can do a good work in my profession and I can make four people in this world feel loved. And I guess that’s it.

🚀 IndieWeb Carnival: Good enough and the search for perfection – Manu

At times I feel trapped between the two. Every day, whether I’m writing, coding or designing, a part of me strives for perfection while another is painfully aware that perfection is a mirage. What looks perfect now won’t look perfect tomorrow. I grow, I evolve, I change and my definition of perfection evolves with me.

It’s uncanny how much I identify with so many of Manu’s #thoughts

🚀 Daring Fireball: Trump Media Plunges as Truth Social’s $58 Million Loss Reported

I want to laugh, but: If Trump is elected again in November — which, based on the close results of 2016 and 2020, and the current polling data, is definitely possible — shaking down lobbyists and foreign governments with exorbitant rates for ads on Truth Social seems like a much better grift than running a hotel across the street from the White House. A corrupt president owning a social media site would be a grift that scales. If there’s any rational reason for Trump Media to have any value at all, it’s that. It’s worthless today, but could be a veritable goldmine in a second Trump administration.

It’s all so scary, guys. Please, please elect the boring old guy, for fuck’s sake. #thoughts

This is my paradoxical view on Religion. Rationally, intellectually, I understand that religious beliefs are inherent to humans. After all, our brains have evolved to make images out of our senses and imagination, illusion, myths, dreams, questions, curiosity, are all a product of our ability to construct abstract concepts and to try to make sense of our surroundings. I’m an agnostic myself, but I don’t want a world without imagination, creativity, hope or faith. Nor I think such a world is possible, fortunately.

Yet, emotionally, deep in my own cosmological view of the world and of human beings, I just don’t understand how that faith can be placed in a particular god, a particular book, the interpretation of a particular church, the teachings of a particular prophet. And I understand even less the urge to believe and explain that one’s own view is more valid than others. My emotions are mine, we all have our own emotions, all of them are different, so I, we, must know those emotions are fallible, are just valid for us and, most probably, only valid for a short period of time.

I mean, let me rephrase my paradox: Intellectually, I understand Religion. Emotionally, I don’t.

I’m 49. I won’t be for long. Unless I die before I turn 50. Then I’ll be 49 forever.

🚀 It’s been 17 years – Brad Barrish

Here’s a letter he wrote to The Kansas City Star in 1993 in response to school children writing letters to try and pressure MTV to drop Beavis and Butthead.

I loved reading this emotional post by @bradbarrish about his father. Please go read the whole thing, and especially the letter the former quote is about. Mr. Barrish was Brad’s best friend, and he was a true free speech champion for all of us. Very necessary in these times of turmoil. #thoughts

In my free time I… I don’t have free time. I need to make some. Here’s a wish for a geenie. I want to be able to fill in the blank of «In my free time I…». #thoughts

🚀 Behind the desk | James' Coffee Blog

When I have an off week, which happens from time to time, there is a feeling like I have climbed a mountain and there is another ahead. With me as I climb up the mountain is a dragon I need to fight, there with me all the time, sowing discord by firing questions that make me feel less important. Arguably the scariest part is I never know when those times will end. When I will reach a stable point at which I can stop and admire the beautiful views around me.

Which reminds me.

The sun is getting closer to the edge of the hills. The sky is becoming warmer. It is golden hour.

I see the plateau of the mountain, and the dragon is starting to fly away. I am starting to see the glimpses of beauty in the world again. The sunset is nigh, and I am in a place to see it.

Now, I need some rest.

Thank you for this, James. I can relate. I hope you did have that rest. #thoughts

🚀 Seven Days of New Things Day 4: Walking Without Headphones | James' Coffee Blog

But, today I reminded myself of a lesson lost to my past: I don't need headphones in to have a great walk. Indeed, the most relaxing of journeys are those where there is nothing in particular to do. In this moment, I can be.

I need to go back to walking. #thoughts

Second podcast in a row where I hear about former lawyers. That’s exactly what I want to be: a former lawyer. #thoughts

Yesterday I went to a Mall. First time in a very long time. My daughter wanted her mom to help her buy some clothes and I was the chauffeur.

Walking distances are huge in Malls. I felt tiny and surrounded by thousands of other ants running up and down big long corridors. I had my car washed and took an appointment to get a haircut, but I was called back to pick up my car so I told the hairdresser I'll be back in five minutes, please keep my spot. And it wasn't five, it took me over twenty minutes to walk back from the car wash.

While I was waiting for my haircut, a guy was sitting close to me. He was talking out loud to his own reflection in the mirror. The topic was actually interesting and he was having quite the conversation. Will I end up talking to myself out loud?

I survived the Mall, nevertheless. And here I am, typing on a phone like I'm talking to myself out loud. #thoughts

My son asked me what I was watching. I paused the video and showed him a still picture of Rick Grimes, in the third episode of the long awaited TWD The Ones Who Live. He did not recognize him. He’s watched Breaking Bad three times and I really thought he would recognize Rick in a whim. I am thinking about my will now, I need to find a Notary. There’s no other way to deal with this. #thoughts

Best sauce ever

I just found out that two full spoons of mayonnaise with a pinch Harissa make the best spicy sauce for a sandwich. And I’m so happy having dinner.

A tin of 'Harissa du Cap Bon' stands open, revealing its spicy red contents, set against a white background.
Spanish: Una lata de 'Harissa du Cap Bon' está abierta, mostrando su contenido rojo picante, sobre un fondo blanco.
Basque: 'Harissa du Cap Bon'eko lata bat irekita dago, bere eduki gorri minak erakutsiz, zuri koloreko atzealdean.

🚀 I’ve said it many times on this … | David Johnson

I’ve said it many times on this blog…in essence to myself…that not doing something will not get it done.

This time I will add that the satisfaction of getting that something done is enormous. To see it in the rear view mirror as opposed to constantly looming over me.

This is the soundtrack of my life. The first part is playing right now, actually.


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Yesterday I was warned by @pratik that sometimes my site is not available at all. It used to happen with and I always blamed the different tweaks I made in templates and plug-ins without really knowing what I was doing. I want to keep this blog as clean and simple as possible so I went to a basic theme without custom templates. And the last step is to get rid of the custom domain too, in case it is the culprit of any issue that prevents the site from being light and simple. So I’m back to

You gotta give it to Johnny Walker Red Label. It’s a fine whisky after the third glass.

I finished rewatching Game Of Thrones' first season. I enjoyed it and caught a lot of nuances I wasn’t aware of when I first watched it.

🚀 Growth is a mind cancer – Manu

But it's our fault. Our as a society. We celebrate when Apple becomes the first trillion-dollar company but we don't celebrate when someone says "You know what? I think I have enough".

The people I admire the most are the ones that have the courage to say I’ve had enough. #thoughts

Saturday evening with 1984 on the Kindle and Johnny Walker Red Label on the rocks. Cheap yet rewarding versions of things essential to a happy life.

🚀 Spinning your wheels - annie mueller

Sometimes we get overloaded. Too much to process. And we need to, well, not force quit everything but maybe sit back in the chair and stare out the window and let the little circles spin. Maybe we can close down a few windows, lighten the load a bit. But mostly, it’s just being patient. Trusting that something is going on, that some kind of work is going on. It’s under the surface. It’s maybe not work that shows up as a produced item, a tangible result, a measurable change, an output of any kind. It’s more of the maintenance work, the de-gunking, the oil change, a little cleaning up and fine-tuning. And when it’s done, you’ll feel better. Clearer. And you’ll get back to it, whatever it is that’s waiting for you. It will still be there. If it’s not, don’t worry. You’ll find something else.

I am going through Annie’s posts. I like them a lot. This one resonated with me. This is what I need to do every so often: stop. Just stop and let the world spin as much as it wants. Get a hold of my own time and rhythm. Breath, slow down my pulse and own myself. #thoughts