2024-03-17 UPDATE: I changed my home page to a more conventional one. The one I designed was quite gimmicky. If I ever learn a bit more about web design, I may come back to visually depicting my garden metaphor. For now, the patches in my garden, meaning the different sections of my website, will be featured in the conventional navigation bar.

Following a “digital garden” concept, I built a home page with buttons that in my mind symbolize patches in a garden.

Each patch will have its contents, be it a static page, a blog, a collection or category of posts, whatever this personal site of mine develops into.

For now, there’s four patches ready to be visited and four more are empty, waiting for my future gardening. The ones you can visit gather my Thoughts, my posts about my Geek hobbies, some Art I want to share (mostly music) and the Photos I take.

So if you like my garden, you are more than welcome.