🚀 Spinning your wheels - annie mueller

Sometimes we get overloaded. Too much to process. And we need to, well, not force quit everything but maybe sit back in the chair and stare out the window and let the little circles spin. Maybe we can close down a few windows, lighten the load a bit. But mostly, it’s just being patient. Trusting that something is going on, that some kind of work is going on. It’s under the surface. It’s maybe not work that shows up as a produced item, a tangible result, a measurable change, an output of any kind. It’s more of the maintenance work, the de-gunking, the oil change, a little cleaning up and fine-tuning. And when it’s done, you’ll feel better. Clearer. And you’ll get back to it, whatever it is that’s waiting for you. It will still be there. If it’s not, don’t worry. You’ll find something else.

I am going through Annie’s posts. I like them a lot. This one resonated with me. This is what I need to do every so often: stop. Just stop and let the world spin as much as it wants. Get a hold of my own time and rhythm. Breath, slow down my pulse and own myself. #thoughts