🚀 100 Days To Offload

The whole point of #100DaysToOffload is to challenge you to publish 100 posts on your personal blog in a year.

Posts don’t need to be long-form, deep, meaningful, or even that well written. If there are spelling and grammar mistakes, or even if there’s no real point to the post, so what? What’s important is that you’re writing about the things you want to write about.

Your posts could be how-to guides, or links to another post you have found interesting. They could include your own thoughts about that post, or a response to it. It could be a simple update about what you have done that day. Tell us about your dog, your cat, your fish tank, or whatever hobbies you have. Someone will find it interesting.

Just. Write.

I found about this in Manuel Moreale’s blog and I think it’s a neat idea. I’m not completely sold, though. I like that it might make me write more. I also like the sense of community that it can bring to the people that participate in the challenge, and how it can help to spread lots of personal blogs. But it’s precisely the challenging part, the Hall of Fame and the need to publish the hashtag in social media that I disliked, I don’t really know why, it feels like a competition, or a personal goal that seeks a reward in the form of social media dopamine. I might set the goal for myself but not use a hashtag. Or I might just skip this garden and continue looking around. Anyhow, you might like it so there you have it.