🚀 Notes on meaning, career, writing and blogging – Ratika Deshpande:

The mistake I was making, and which I think many of us are making, in a zeitgeist where people think that you should make a living doing what you love and retire early, is believing that narrative.

Here’s what I’ve learned: the thing that pays the bills does not have to be the thing that you enjoy doing. And the thing that you enjoy does not have to be the thing that helps you do good in the world. Here again, we suffer from the idea that we must maximize the good we do (or the profit we make). Of course, if we are able to do that, that’s great, but anything less than “the maximum possible” isn’t bad.

This is really helpful for me, in these times where I don’t feel good about all the time that I give to the thing that pays the bills and the very little time that I have for the things that I enjoy doing. I’m constantly thinking that I need to streamline my productivity so that I have more time for my personal stuff, and the only thing I do is make more time to work more. Ratika has given me a couple of good clues to think about.