I read great news in my local newspaper:

Foreigners set a new record in Gipuzkoa (the province I live in) and now represent one in every eight inhabitants.

Gipuzkoa has broken a new record of foreign population and reaches, for the first time in its history, 12.1% of foreign people out of its total inhabitants, with Morocco, Nicaragua, and Colombia as the main countries of origin. The number of people born outside of Spain with residence in the territory rises to 88,005. The arrival of 4,994 immigrants in 2023 confirms the recovery of pre-pandemic flows and represents a gain of 4,333 foreigners in Gipuzkoa compared to 2022, when there were 83,672 people of foreign origin, accounting for 11.5% of the total. In fact, in just the last year, more foreigners have arrived than in 2022 (1,582) and 2021 (1,877) combined, although still fewer than in 2020 (5,772).

Yes. We need you. You are most welcome. Ongi etorri Euskal Herrira.