I’m going to write a blog post using Nebo, handwriting it with an Apple pencil.

I’m actually writing this down manually, and I’m quite astonished at how well Nebo converts it all. I read Annie Mueller’s post “It ’s just a blog” and I wanted to tell her how much I liked it. I don’t know if I will dare to tell her anything, I ’ve seen that a lot of people has already praised her and I' m nothing but a speck of dust . So I will post this in my blog and if she reads it, by chance,that will be enough. I’m sure she does not need more praise from a random guy in Spain.

It’s Friday evening and I’m heading to a dinner with lots of friends. A partner in my firm has been the Dean of our Bar Association and his term finally ended, so tonight we are going to give him an homage dinner and thank him for his service.

I have not gone out for dinner in ages and the week has been tough, so all I ask is for me to behave and do not drink. I’ve been known to get wasted in good company and good booze after a stressful week at work. So this is my plan. Go out with good friends to have a lovely sober dinner. Wish me luck.