My daughter will probably kill me if she finds out that I posted this photo. But I’m proud of her so I guess she will forgive my good intentions. She is making croquetas, following a recipe she asked from her grandmother, my mother.

She first made a bechamel sauce stuffed with small bits of jamón ibérico, Spanish ham cured in salt. Then she made small balls, coating them in wheat flower, egg and bread crumbs. She made around 80 of these croquetas.

She fried a dozen of them for our dinner and saved the rest in the freezer. Croquetas make a great appetizer for any nice family meal.

I love cooking. My children have always been quite lazy to help me in the kitchen, but it looks like they are finally finding their own way to basic survival skills. So I’m happy.

Picture of a teenager, my daughter, making croquetas in a kitchen.