Analog v digital writing tools
I was thinking about analog/digital tools for writing and journaling, and I started jotting down a few pros and cons of both.
Analog tools PROS
- Help deep thinking
- Beautiful notebooks and pens
- Durability (decades or centuries)
- Available any time and everywhere
- Affordable (unless you go down the pen/paper shopping rabbit hole)
- Light to carry (unless you go down the stack-of-notebooks-in-leather-cover rabbit hole)
Analog tools CONS
- Difficult to copy/backup
- Vulnerable to fire and water
- Need lots of storage space
- Bad legibility / Horrible handwrite
Digital tools PROS
- Lots of backup options
- Durability (as long as there’s electricity)
- Lots of linking/referencing options
- Automations
- Rather type than hand write
Digital tools CONS
- Electricity dependent
- Useless in case of zombie apocalypse (no electricity)
- Too many apps to fiddle with
- Expensive hardware
- Only available with battery/charger
Personally I lean towards digital, but I’d like to hear your opinions.