Analog v digital writing tools
I was thinking about giving myself time to think and be with myself and my thoughts. I have noticed lately that I’m always looking for my headphones and my phone to watch YouTube videos non-stop in my free time. At breakfast, lunch, dinner… even when I’m shaving in the morning! And I have reached the conclusion that I do that because I don’t want to think about my fears. I’m constantly stressed out with my work, because I have taken up a few projects that are a bit too much to handle and I’m overwhelmed. So I fear failure, and being always late with my commitments. And I also fear that I am not taking enough time to build a team that will help me cope with my excess of work. Above all, I have two deep fears: one is small, I think I can handle it, that I’m not as good a profesional as my ever challenging work demands; and the other one is the big one, the really big fear, that I’m wasting the little time I have in this world, and that, when I look back to my life, the minute before I dye, if I even have that minute, I will regret all the years that I’m giving to my profession. But I really don’t know what to do to change that. So I run away from those fears hooking myself to a constant video stream that switches off my brain. That’s why I think that I need to change that habit, shut down the noise and go back to living with my thoughts.
Catcher In The Rye
Finished reading: El Guardian Entre El Centeno by J. D. Salinger 📚
I read this book, in English, in the US when I was 16-17 years old and an exchange student there. I had an overall nice memory of the book. But the Spanish translation that I just read disappointed me. I don’t think it does a good job conveying the original’s style and rhythm.
Nevertheless, it is a great book. There’s two things that resonated with me. The first one is the main theme, a teenager’s view of his world and the difficulties he has to reconcile that view, the people around him and his own place in that world. I know young people around that age and particularly one that I think is very close to Holden’s troubles.
I started reading: El Guardian Entre El Centeno by J. D. Salinger 📚
I had a copy at home, a Spanish translation by Carmen Criado. I bought it quite a while ago and was lying around waiting for me to pick it up. I read Catcher In The Rye in English when I was 16 and was staying in Lancaster, PA, for my junior year in an exchange student program. I remember Mr. Schlichter was my English teacher. An awesome one at it, too. So today I went back to JD Salinger, in Spanish this time, and I have to say that, so far, Holden Caulfield does not disappoint.
Jokes aside, tech is a blessing and a curse. Especially when it becomes unmanageable. And sometimes I think the only solution to tech problems is more tech. Which is silly but it’s a silly world the one we live in.
That is paradoxical, but quite true. Actually, that’s the route I’ve taken: instead of going analog, I built a this digital garden to make it a place of my own and find a bit of peace of mind. Tech to cure tech madness.
Anyhow, you should read the whole Carnival Roundup, it’s full of interesting insights into the experiences of a lot of different people. #thoughts
Old question from @crossingthethreshold to @vincode
🚀 Maurice Parker - Shortcuts for
David Johnson Thank you, and a question. If I have two blogs under the same username, can I chose which blog to post to?2021-11-01 8:42 pm
I built one single shortcut for all my text-blogging options. I first choose the blog in which I wish to publish. Then I write a title for the post or leave it blank. Then I write the content. Depending on the blog I chose, the shortcut will present me a list of tags to choose from. If I’m on the Mac, the tags will be picked from a list. If it’s the iPhone or the iPad, the list will be drawn from Data Jar. The publishing is handled by Humboldt, a great tool by Maurice Parker. #geekery
The keyboard is mightier than the pen.
T.S. Eliot’s real words on copying and stealing
One of the surest tests [of the superiority or inferiority of a poet] is the way in which a poet borrows. Immature poets imitate; mature poets steal; bad poets deface what they take, and good poets make it into something better, or at least something different. The good poet welds his theft into a whole of feeling which is unique, utterly different than that from which it is torn; the bad poet throws it into something which has no cohesion. A good poet will usually borrow from authors remote in time, or alien in language, or diverse in interest.
Eliot, T.S., “Philip Massinger,” The Sacred Wood, New York:, 2000.
I only tweaked two Shortcuts and I feel like a hacker
For users who have multiple microblogs configured,
will return of the list of sites. You can post to a specific microblog by passing anmp-destination
parameter of the URL (uid
from the configured list).Need a way to test with multiple blogs? Every account can create a free test blog on the web under Design → Edit Custom Themes → New Test Blog.
Batch Link Downloader - A tool to download files from a website in bulk
I don’t use Google Chrome much but today I found a very useful tool that I want to share.
It’s called Batch Link Downloader, and it’s an extension that allowed me to easily download multiple files from a website.