Analog v digital writing tools

I was thinking about analog/digital tools for writing and journaling, and I started jotting down a few pros and cons of both.

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This is my paradoxical view on Religion. Rationally, intellectually, I understand that religious beliefs are inherent to humans. After all, our brains have evolved to make images out of our senses and imagination, illusion, myths, dreams, questions, curiosity, are all a product of our ability to construct abstract concepts and to try to make sense of our surroundings. I’m an agnostic myself, but I don’t want a world without imagination, creativity, hope or faith. Nor I think such a world is possible, fortunately.

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I was thinking about giving myself time to think and be with myself and my thoughts. I have noticed lately that I’m always looking for my headphones and my phone to watch YouTube videos non-stop in my free time. At breakfast, lunch, dinner… even when I’m shaving in the morning! And I have reached the conclusion that I do that because I don’t want to think about my fears. I’m constantly stressed out with my work, because I have taken up a few projects that are a bit too much to handle and I’m overwhelmed. So I fear failure, and being always late with my commitments. And I also fear that I am not taking enough time to build a team that will help me cope with my excess of work. Above all, I have two deep fears: one is small, I think I can handle it, that I’m not as good a profesional as my ever challenging work demands; and the other one is the big one, the really big fear, that I’m wasting the little time I have in this world, and that, when I look back to my life, the minute before I dye, if I even have that minute, I will regret all the years that I’m giving to my profession. But I really don’t know what to do to change that. So I run away from those fears hooking myself to a constant video stream that switches off my brain. That’s why I think that I need to change that habit, shut down the noise and go back to living with my thoughts.


I started to read Don Quijote, Blackie Books edition. The book is in Spanish (duh) and this is the description they provide in English:

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Catcher In The Rye

Finished reading: El Guardian Entre El Centeno by J. D. Salinger 📚

I read this book, in English, in the US when I was 16-17 years old and an exchange student there. I had an overall nice memory of the book. But the Spanish translation that I just read disappointed me. I don’t think it does a good job conveying the original’s style and rhythm.

Nevertheless, it is a great book. There’s two things that resonated with me. The first one is the main theme, a teenager’s view of his world and the difficulties he has to reconcile that view, the people around him and his own place in that world. I know young people around that age and particularly one that I think is very close to Holden’s troubles.

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I started reading: El Guardian Entre El Centeno by J. D. Salinger 📚

I had a copy at home, a Spanish translation by Carmen Criado. I bought it quite a while ago and was lying around waiting for me to pick it up. I read Catcher In The Rye in English when I was 16 and was staying in Lancaster, PA, for my junior year in an exchange student program. I remember Mr. Schlichter was my English teacher. An awesome one at it, too. So today I went back to JD Salinger, in Spanish this time, and I have to say that, so far, Holden Caulfield does not disappoint.


I have given up on my country’s politics. I don’t feel represented by any of the multiple choices that compete in Spain. All political parties, regardless of their apparent ideological differences, have sequestered democracy for their own purposes. They only act for their own benefit and if it serves the purpose of gaining or maintaining power. No political leader talks to or thinks about all the people anymore. When they say “the people”, they are only thinking about “their people”, the ones who voted or could vote for them.

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Hazel by Noodlesoft

After a long time, I just built two new macros in Noodlesoft’s Hazel.

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🚀 IndieWeb Carnival: Roundup – Manu

Jokes aside, tech is a blessing and a curse. Especially when it becomes unmanageable. And sometimes I think the only solution to tech problems is more tech. Which is silly but it’s a silly world the one we live in.

That is paradoxical, but quite true. Actually, that’s the route I’ve taken: instead of going analog, I built a this digital garden to make it a place of my own and find a bit of peace of mind. Tech to cure tech madness.

Anyhow, you should read the whole Carnival Roundup, it’s full of interesting insights into the experiences of a lot of different people. #thoughts

Old question from @crossingthethreshold to @vincode

🚀 Maurice Parker - Shortcuts for

David Johnson Thank you, and a question. If I have two blogs under the same username, can I chose which blog to post to?

2021-11-01 8:42 pm

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I built one single shortcut for all my text-blogging options. I first choose the blog in which I wish to publish. Then I write a title for the post or leave it blank. Then I write the content. Depending on the blog I chose, the shortcut will present me a list of tags to choose from. If I’m on the Mac, the tags will be picked from a list. If it’s the iPhone or the iPad, the list will be drawn from Data Jar. The publishing is handled by Humboldt, a great tool by Maurice Parker. #geekery

The keyboard is mightier than the pen.

T.S. Eliot’s real words on copying and stealing

One of the surest tests [of the superiority or inferiority of a poet] is the way in which a poet borrows. Immature poets imitate; mature poets steal; bad poets deface what they take, and good poets make it into something better, or at least something different. The good poet welds his theft into a whole of feeling which is unique, utterly different than that from which it is torn; the bad poet throws it into something which has no cohesion. A good poet will usually borrow from authors remote in time, or alien in language, or diverse in interest.

Eliot, T.S., “Philip Massinger,” The Sacred Wood, New York:, 2000.

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I only tweaked two Shortcuts and I feel like a hacker

Success! I was able to tweak two Shortcuts that I use to publish to and I’m so happy. I will document it here so I can come back to this in the future.

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🚀 ℹ️ Posting API - Documentation - Help Center

For users who have multiple microblogs configured, /micropub?q=config will return of the list of sites. You can post to a specific microblog by passing an mp-destination parameter of the URL (uid from the configured list).

Need a way to test with multiple blogs? Every account can create a free test blog on the web under Design → Edit Custom Themes → New Test Blog.

Batch Link Downloader - A tool to download files from a website in bulk

I don’t use Google Chrome much but today I found a very useful tool that I want to share.

It’s called Batch Link Downloader, and it’s an extension that allowed me to easily download multiple files from a website.

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