Previous and Next links for my blog's posts (III)
Just a quick follow-up to the first and second post about this topic.
I found the way to name my navigation buttons depending on the subsequent post having a title or not. If it has a title, I want the button to show that title. But if it does not, I want a placeholder text like “Previous” and “Next”.
Once again, MacGPT came to the rescue and gave me this line:
<a class="button next" href="{{ .Permalink }}">{{ if .Title }}{{ .Title }}{{ else }}Next{{ end }}</a>
So this is the complete code for the HTML in the Sumo Theme’s Microhook (layouts/partials/microhook-after-post.html
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<title>Justificar Enlace</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/css/styles.css"> <!-- Ruta al archivo CSS -->
<div class="navigation">
{{ with .PrevInSection }}
<a class="button previous" href="{{ .Permalink }}">
{{ if .Title }}{{ .Title }}{{ else }}Previous{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ with .NextInSection }}
<a class="button next" href="{{ .Permalink }}">
{{ if .Title }}{{ .Title }}{{ else }}Next{{ end }}
{{ end }}
And this is the result:
<img style=“display:block; margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto;” src=“" alt=“a GIF image showing a cursor hovering over two buttons. One says “Previous” for the previous post in the blog, the other one shows the title of the next post.” title=“button hover.gif” border=“0” width=“599” height=“256” />